Wunderman Thompson and Child Focus recall Coins of Hope

Antwerp, 29 December 2023

In 2016, Wunderman Thompson Benelux and Child Focus sent little Liam out into the world on 1 million 2-euro coins. A universal reminder to make sure missing children are never forgotten. Those Coins of Hope are now being spent around the world. Today, Child Focus wants those coins back.

In a new campaign, Child Focus is recalling the Coins of Hope under the slogan ‘Bring them back’. The Foundation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children needs those coins themselves so they can continue to support children in need and their loved ones.

"It's the first time Child Focus is doing a fundraising campaign. So we wanted the Coins of Hope to give hope again," said Kasper Janssens, Creative Director at Wunderman Thompson Benelux.

"The recall of the Coins of Hope is of course a symbolic action. Everyone is invited to make a donation via bank transfer or even their will, because any coin and any amount is welcome to support us," clarifies Stephan Smets, Chief Communications Officer at Child Focus. "We rely on donations and gifts for about 80% of our income."

The campaign runs in Belgian newspapers and on social media. Those wishing to make a donation can find the various ways to do so at childfocus.be or can do so immediately via BE19 3101 2229 9912.

The original Coins of Hope case study (2016)


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  • Client: Child Focus 
  • Client contact: Stephan Smets, Stéphanie Leyn, Selyna Ayuso Ferrandiz 
  • Agency: Wunderman Thompson Benelux ​ 
  • Chief Creative Officer: Klaartje Galle 
  • Creative Directors: Kasper Janssens, Arjen Tarras
  • Creatives: Olaf Meuleman, Thomas Thysens 
  • Strategy: Jef Pelkmans, Gaëlle Maes
  • Account team: Pieter Van Schil, Molly Waeytens 
  • Designers: Christophe De Pelsmaeker, Jorg Meyer, Tom Kruijzen
  • Copywriters: Jelle Raats, Yves Donceel
  • Developers: Bram Verdyck
  • Motion Designers: Bert Beckers, Sofie Luyckx, Tom Kruijzen
  • DTP: Theo Hagtingius, Jan-Bart Debruyne


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